woahh. so many things i learned yet so little time spent there and i dont think i miss anything about it.
cukup la sekali aku pegi. enough is enough. orang selalu tanya, 'kalau dapat peluang pegi lagi, nak pegi tak?' my answer would be, 'no thank you.'
the experience there is so greatly vast. but, i dont think i want to repeat the thing again.
the waking up early, the classes, the race against time moments, the same 'ol routine everyday. what a life i had there.
during camp, i had my birthday. :) and the truth is, this year's birthday is the best i ever had. walaupun agak sedih have to celebrate dalam kem. here's why :
- first time in my life, kena prank -- kena simbah dengan 2 baldi air sejuk n kena baling dengan bedak. since our supplies untuk prank xcukup, so -- we just have to make do dengan apa yang ada. haha! kesian.
- second and its the best. i celebrated my birthday with my love. afiq sang for me. lagu selamat ulang tahun sayang by imran ajmain. ♥ iloveyou sayang! :)
and to all my kawan PLKN. nada, nisa, nina, fara, fatin, ya, aidil. i love you all sebab meng-happy-kan my days in kem. same goes to everybody kat kem yang nama x di sebut. kalau sebut semua-- sampai esok tak habis. haha! budak bilik P4A, semua budak ALPHA, BRAVO, CHARLIE and DELTA.
to my family. mama and syafiq -- thanx sebab sanggup datang evry sunday to see me. ngehehe..
to my sayang. afiq. thank you for every song you sang, every phone call, every message, every joke, everything. :) thank you sebab sanggup awaits every saturday n sunday. thank you sebab call me every week to ask me how am i, to ask what am i doing, to -- everything. making me smile when i feel like killing people.
now that im back, i have plans. yeahhh baby! :)
with love,