Monday, June 20, 2011

baru tahu

rasa macam dah bertahun-tahun aku kat sini. aaaaa!
can somebody magically poof me to miri?

so -- yesterday i went to bandar melaka. dengan shah n arisha.
culture shock! muka driver bas tu dah la ganas. the conducter pulak cakap kasar-kasar.
the journey was so long! dari kampus ke bandar melaka was like -- an hour ++. macam dari miri pegi... err.. niah? yeaah. or bekenu. :) hehe..

if i were to make the differences, i'd rather go for the public transport in miri.
and aku tak pernah pun naik bas kat miri. except for the one untuk pegi competitions and lawatan.

dengan cuit yang cukup-cukup makan. mama bagi seratus je untuk survive sampai hujung bulan.
nak beli buku lagi, nak bayar tu, bayar ni.
aku baru tahu untuk berjimat.
teeheee.. baru rasa hidup duit kurang. :) ah well.
aku limitkan diri aku untuk beli 5 barang sahaja semalam.
sangatttt tergoda dengan barang-barang kat tesco. baru masuk tesco!
belum lagi masuk mall lain! habis la aku. haha.

i ended up buying -- 5 things! congrats jihan. haha.
hari ni, im fasting. atas 2 sebab. nak ganti puasa and sebab xda duit. kesian tak?
and today -- first day masuk class. and awal-awal lagi, kelas dah kena cancel. -.- i woke up early today sebab excited. tengok2, kena cancel. oh well. ada masa untuk aku online. hehe.

bertuah betul la budak ni. bukak lagu long distane pulakkkk.
now i really really really am missing my dearest afiq. :(


with love,

Friday, June 10, 2011

when things go out of hands

i am so glad to say that i am now in seattle! :) *hip hip hoorayyyyy!*
it has been about a week now.
last week, we were in Los Angeles. visiting disneyland, universal studios and california adventure
park. it was so much fun! :D
sangat tak sangka i actually rode most of the scary rides. crazyyyyy!
-.- i left my jantung and all my other organs on the rides. haha.

pictures will be put up in facebook when comes the right time. *kemalasan melanda*

now in seattle is 2.50PM, Friday, June 10, 2011.
in malaysia is 5.50AM, Saturday, June 11, 2011.
ye, kami lambat sehari.

kakya will be graduating on saturday. that is tomorrow! yeah yeahhhh.
congratulations and lots of love to my dearest sister, cik zurriya. :)
segila-gila dia pun, she is graduating with HONORS. cayak ko?
hahahah. yes, its true. with honors.
dem bladi praud of her! :D
*clap hands*

i bought a new dress for the event. short dress! at lastt. dapat jugak short dress!
comel la. nanti la upload gambar. haiyaa. still in malas mode. and missing mode.

i -- miss --boyfriend. AFIQ.
truly truly missing him.
he is currently in kuching. visiting his grandmother.
sangat tak best bila dia tak dapat online. sebab since im in seattle -- itu je cara untuk stay in touch. kalo kat malaysia, still boleh call or sms.

all i can do now is-- wait and let myself suffer dengan sadness from all the songs he gave.
patience is virtue. patience is virtue. patience is virtue.
i can do this. sabar.
just think that -- he is doing okay and missing you too.

dont cry too much okay? he loves you so much. dont worry. as he said, he's been busy with family stuff and works, therefore -- you have to be understanding and just be patient.
he is missing you too. he is also feeling miserable without you around him. :) *pujuk diri sendiri*

i just need to hear from him. as long as i know he is okay, then -- i'm fine with it.
even then, i will still miss him in person.

news right now : maybe i can't be home in miri for raya. because uitm only cuti for one week. from the 27th August to 7th September.
mama said, 'pendek sangat la awak cuti. tak berbaloi duit mama.'
please mama. jangan buat saya nangis. saya nangis mengalir habis-habis bila mama cakap macam tu. mama, moments. moments.
saya akan mintak duit dari ayah then. i will come back. kalo korang nak raya kat kelantan, go ahead. i'll stay in miri alone. i can still live.
by just writing like this pun aku dah rasa nak nangis.
i have to go back.
i miss my aliens. i miss my boyfriend.
how can i not raya with them? that is just not cool.
selama ni pun, diorang yang lebih kenal aku daripada --- malas la cakap.
nanti orang cakap aku ni lupa daratan.
my only kampung is, miri. no where else.
i have to raya in miri.
you want me go to back to kelantan? yes, i'll go but NOT masa raya.

saya nak balik miri.
saya nak balik miri.
saya nak balik miri.

aliens, rindu ngn ktkorg bhhhhhhh! :(((
sayang, i miss you. i love you. come save me. come for me. i'm dying.

with lots of love and so miserably missing my dearest dearest afiq and lovely aliens,