Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Tick tock

It’s like living on a ticking time bomb. Or standing on a ledge of a high-rise building. Knowing that, yes, you do still have a job but also knowing that you are going to be on the chopping block real soon. It’s taken its toll on everybody even the strongest ones.

Every single day, you wake up feeling as if today is the day. It is going to end today. So brace yourselves. Then at the end of the day, you survive.

Then the next day you wake up again thinking and feeling that, "Okay. Today IS the day". But comes 5 pm – you go back home. It’s a vicious, vicious cycle.

It affects you. Drains you emotionally, physically, mentally.

How do you go about on this? Will it end tomorrow? Do I need to brace myself again for tomorrow? Is it going to be tomorrow? Or the next day?

We don’t have enough to stop but also had enough that we need to stop.