Monday, December 20, 2010

news today

so yeaaa. uncle razif called mama tadi. he gave us the not-so-happy-not-so-sad news.
with his help and kindness, apparently i got the first batch for plkn. hrmm.
i dont know what to feel and what to say.

1. thank you uncle razif for ur help!!
2. yes! i get to go to Seattle next year!! woohhooo!!!
3. i cant call him..
4. he cant call me..
5. i cant talk to him
6. i cant be around my family
7. i cant facebook
8. i cant tweet

cukup lah. i guess 8 makes it more than afdal.
crucial gilaa num 3, 4, 5 and 6. i can die u knoww.
nasib i still get to go out on chinese new year.
haihh.. nanti lah i call him and tell him about this. jangan laaaa he go and laugh again. he is veryyyyyy bertuah punya budak. -.- well.. harung jelah. aku yang nak.. haha!

aiyaa. why oh why me so tak excited hear this news?
maybe, currently, im in still in lazy-to-do-anything mode.
and now, i feel like sleeping.

ive been busy with the family reunion preparation.
performance, video, music. -- thats my field. aiyaamakkk belom siap lah the video and music.
pening. tadi dah telan 2 panadol.

------- end of that story.
gosh. how i miss him everyday.
now, its talking on the phone with him.
it used to be just some sms with intervals of 4-5 days.
haha! if i were in my mum's place, i would so damn bored with me. because everyday, the topic would be about him. but i dont think mama penat dengar anak mama cakap pasal afiq kan? tahan jelah mama.. :D


with love,

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