Monday, April 18, 2011

go with the flow

dengan penuh sabar, aku menunggu tarikh keramat untuk dia balik.
29 april 2011, datanglah cepat sikit.

so -- updates!

i just came back from KL.
  1. applied for US Visa. and it is aprroved! :)
  2. UiTM interview. Mass Communication. which have always been my interest. i think, i did quite well for it.
  3. keluar dengan kawan kem. nada, ya, fara & galah.
first. about US and UiTM.
oh my god.. im so torn between two worlds.
the plan is : we are going to the US on the 28th of may. end of may.
the most anticipated event!
then -- here comes a curve ball.
UiTM : intake is in MAY.

so, chances of me going to US is? IF i request for the december intake, would they allow it? i mean like -- punya lah ramai orang nak masuk U cepat-cepat. lagi-lagi, UiTM. here i am -- nak tangguh sbb nak pg US. well, it is a maybe once in a lifetime experience. kan? so, how now? i dont know. i really really wanna go to US. and i really wanna get started dengan my studies.

dah la kalau i dont go to US, tiket semua dah book -- hotel pun -- takkan la nak burn macam tu je? itu semua duit okay. bukan senang nak cari duit. sorang is like -- RM3000.
sayang la duit.

haih. okay. next! UiTM interview. it went well i think. i answered dengan penuh confidence.
antara soalan cepumas; apa nama CM sarawak? sapa nama bini baru CM Sarawak. hahaha!
soalan senang. hahaha! and she was like -- oh, you know! you really do have the characteristics of a journalist! and my reaction? -- oh? really? thank you! *with the biggest smile on my face*
percentage of me getting it? 60% maybe? too much --? yeah.

entah la. i want it. but at the same time, i want US too.
really really hoping i cant get the best of both worlds.

nak cerita about my outing dengan geng plkn kat midvalley last saturday. tapi, mcm no mood pulak nak cerita.
skip this one. :)

29th april! i am so waiting anxiously for this day to come. the day that he is coming back for good. i miss him terribly. gosh. i really can go crazy waiting.
imagine how deeply and madly in love i am right now. well, he IS my first REAL love.

afiq sayang, i'll be waiting for you. and i'll be there when you reach miri. okay? i'll be the one yang sambut ktk dr terminal bas kelak, ok? i'll be there with the biggest smile on my face. lamak dah kita tunggu 29 april tok nk? it's going to come soon. i love you so much. please know that i'm missing you so much.
every second i have. trust me.

oh, i'm so in love. i ♥ you so much, encik afiq. :)

with the deepest love to the core,

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