Friday, February 8, 2013


i have always wanted to create my very own bucket list.
list all of the things i have always wanted to do.

tapi nak kena jadi kaya dulu. duit millions in cash. 
then i can start listing. :D because i know all of the things i want to do involve money.
no doubt about it.

nak kena cari the right partner lagi.
i mean travelling partner. i mean adventure buddy.
nothing to do with my personal relationship.
kalau dia nak pun apa salah nya kan?
orang bagi lemon, kita buat air limau. :)

i mean like adventure buddies. the backpacking type of people.
i want to try travelling naik train, dari utara ke selatan, tidur dalam train.
the coach looks comfortable enough.
i want to go for a one day trip to singapore. naik train.

hey, you. yes you. wanna be my adventure buddy?
sign up now! :)

energizer bunny is super bored,