Thursday, December 27, 2012

tiup habuk

wow. sawang dah macam hutan tropika. haha!
my dearest blog, I'm sorry for leaving you for so long.
wanted to write but was busy.
I have started my 4th semester in the same ol campus.
What's new? Well,
  • I got another Dean's List for last semester. The highest so far, 3.89. Alhamdulillah.
  • I am made the Naib Yang Di-Pertua 1 for KOMED :)
  • I am still, Alhamdulillah with my dearest, super duper, husband-to-be, Mr. Afiq. ♥
My family is still best ever. Mama sihat. Syafiq is great. Abang and Kakya is doing good.

It is nearing the end of December now. 27th December, to be exact.
Eh, sumpah tak rasa dah nak masuk 2013. I went through a lot this year. Well, sama lah macam tahun-tahun yang lepas. I am still living my life to the very fullest. I just can't ask for more.
I am happy, healthy, and still here. Syukur, Alhamdullilah.

Along this year, I found more and more interesting people to flavor up my life. Sejak jadi NYDP,  people acknowledge my existence, more smile given, more smile taken, more stories, more of everything. I do not want to acknowledge them one by one, just for me to know that I have more special people to cherish in my life.

Well now, shall I start by evaluating my 2012's resolution? I wonder what have I achieve this year.
  1. another DL, perhaps? insyaAllah. - I sure got this one. Alhamdulillah :)
  2. forever loving me boyfriend. *i love you dearest afiq sayang* - I still love him, till my last breath.
  3. to constantly cherish everything that comes into my way. - I certainly enjoyed everything. 
  4. to be a great person. - *angkat bakul sendiri* hello, i am forever awesome! :D
  5. make changes in anyone's life. making it big. - He got a job. He is stabling his life now. I am still guiding him. I believe in him. He can do this. He is my sweetheart. ♥
  6. a better health - well, my resdung is still here, but I am Alhamdulillah sihat walafiat.
  7. family's happiness is my happiness - biasa la tu, sedih sedih sikit. We are still one small happy family. I still love us, selagi nyawa ada.
  8. to love and to hold everyone that change me for the better. - He made me stronger. Allahu Akbar. My guardian. My light.
  9. enjoy every single moment that i have with all my kesayangan - they will always be in heart. L, N, M.
  10. to be known for what i am. - I am a leader. Now everybody knows it when I am made the NYDP 1 KOMED. 
Well, 2013 is on its way. Very very soon, it will be here. Oh, how time flies. 
I am 20 next year. Afiq sweetheart will be 23. *ehem, tak lama boleh kahwin* :D
Nak buat resolution ke? Over the years, resolutions are overrated. 

Oh, what the heck. It will keep on repeating the same thing though. 
For 2013, I wish :
  1. to become a much much better Muslim. InsyaAllah, tak tinggal solat, tak lupa baca Quran.
  2. for Mama, Syafiq, Abang and Kakya to live happily and healthily. I live for their happiness.
  3. my dearest dearest sweetheart, Abdul Afiq b. Abdul Malik, to always to by my side, and I therefore will never ever leave his. I wish to celebrate our 2nd anniversary together. I also wish to see his happiness shine through. I want this relationship to be as strong as ever. To never give up on making this relationship work till our last breath.
  4. sacrifices are made, I came to Melaka to be the best. I wish to get more and more academic's achievement. *4 flat, InsyaAllah* 
  5. to forever keep the strong bond between my friends. Payah pulak nak list sorang sorang.
  6. to always know my priorities. Divide my time for all my responsibilities, equally.
  7. to never ever let go of my principle about everything. 
  8. to always be the best in whatever I do. Dalam setiap pekerjaan, pasangkan niat yang tepat. Niat.
  9. to never ever give up in all the hardships of life. Allah hanya akan memberi ujian yang selaras dengan keupayaan hambanya. Allah tidak akan menguji jika hambanya tidak berupaya untuk mengatasinya. 
  10. To thank Allah for everything. Love, Happiness, Patience, Strength.
I welcome 2013 with my open arms. 

With all my heart and soul,
I love you,

p/s : I wonder when will I come back and write again. 

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